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Franklin-Vance-Warren Opp., Inc. is one of two grantee's in North Carolina to received funding for YouthBuild and were awarded a grant in the amount of $1.5 million to support investment in individuals in our four county area.  Youth Build is a national program designed to support individuals who have stopped or dropped out of school to acquire their High School diploma and certification in a trade; human services or technology. “We feel very blessed to receive this investment for our service area”, Abdul Sm Rasheed, CEO of FVWOPP, stated "and we look forward to contributing to the continued positive direction of our communities and individuals that need a hand up."

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EEO                                                          FUNDING PROVIDED BY USDOL-ETA
Volunteers on Construction Site
Wooden Toy Houses
Wooden Toy Houses


Aligns with Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to expand apprenticeships, strengthen workforce


WASHINGTON – To continue to expand Registered Apprenticeships, prepare young workers for good quality jobs and strengthen the nation’s workforce to meet industry demands, the U.S. Department of Labor today announced the award of $90 million in grants to 68 organizations in 32 states to provide training and employment services.

Ranging from $700,000 to $1.5 million each, the awards’ announcement follows the department announcement of the availability of YouthBuild grants in November 2022. The grants will support pre-apprenticeships that will educate and train young people, from ages 16 to 24, who are neither enrolled in school nor in the labor market for jobs in high-demand industries. These industries include the construction industry, for which YouthBuild grants will help deliver education and training to enable students to use their abilities to build or rehabilitate affordable housing in their communities for low-income or unhoused families.  


Administered by the department’s Employment and Training Administration, and supported by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, YouthBuild grants support a pre-apprenticeship model that provides disadvantaged young people with occupational skills training, employment services and educational guidance, with emphasis on green 

building techniques, including understanding sustainable building materials, solar panel installation, weatherization processes and the use of Energy Star appliances.

YouthBuild participants will divide their time between classroom instruction – where they earn their high school diploma or equivalency degree – and workplace training to prepare for postsecondary opportunities. The grants will also enable young people to train for careers in healthcare, information technology, manufacturing and logistics, culinary arts and hospitality.

In August 2022, the department added the YouthBuild program to the Biden-Harris administration’s Justice40 initiative, which aims to ensure that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are overburdened by pollution.

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Building pathways to a better quality of life in communities we serve!

Hours:    M-F 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM


Phone:    252-492-0161

Fax:        252-492-6250

Office:    180 South Beckford Drive

             Henderson, NC  27536

Mail:      P.O. Box 1453

             Henderson, NC 27536

Franklin Vance Warren Opportunity, Inc., is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.

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