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We are committed to building pathways to improving the quality of life for those we serve, and to play a significant role in building a positive future for all of our communities

Kids Running

Main Office:                          Hours:
180 South Beckford Dr.           M-F 7:45 AM-4:30 PM    Henderson, NC 27536             Phone: 252-492-0161 

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Baby Diapers

DID YOU KNOW .... ALL Franklin Vance Warren Head Start centers are

  5 STAR RATED !!!

click here           for Child Health Record Form

Stay aware - COVID-19 has not disappeared


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Are you looking to get PAID while you complete GED courses and certifications in Construction, Healthcare, and other career fields? Click on LOGO for info

Building pathways to a better quality of life in communities we serve!


During this difficult time of economic insecurities, violence in schools and continued unrest, Franklin Vance Warren Opportunity remains committed to providing critically needed services for both our community and our staff.  We continue to do all that  is in our power to protect and improve the lives of our clients and staff; we will follow the directions and recommendations from the State and Federal CDC health agencies and law enforcement, and do all that we can. Our offices and centers are OPEN, and you are more than welcome to call the main number, 252-492-0161, and someone will be able to help or to share any information we have available.  The team at FVWOPP continues to work to provide services to our clients and community wherever and whenever possible.  

We are continuously working on developing some new resources.  We have 9 - 5 star Head Start and Early Head Start centers as well as NC Pre-K Programs, we offer Adult Services such as Career-Up and Home-Ownership Home buyer education, Weatherization assistance to homeowners as well as renters plus we have added a new program called YouthBuild that is geared toward individuals ages 16-24 in our service area, who have not graduated High School, to obtain not only their GED but additional job-ready certifications. 

Please be safe.  Follow the recommended safety guidelines and remember that we are ALL being impacted by what is going on around us, around the world, but our experience has taught us that if we pull together, we can get through the tough times.

Together with you,

Abdul Sm Rasheed

Executive Director

Franklin Vance Warren Opportunity, Inc.

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Franklin Vance Warren Opportunity is a 501(c)(3) community action agency that has served the residents of Franklin, Granville, Warren and Nash Counties for over 50 years.  The agency administers social service programs in partnership with the Federal Government, charitable funders and State and local municipalities.

We are committed to building pathways to improving the quality of life for those we serve, and to play a significant role in building a positive future for all of our communities.

Franklin Vance Warren Opportunity, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.  

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Building pathways to a better quality of life in communities we serve!

Hours:    M-F 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM


Phone:    252-492-0161

Fax:        252-492-6250

Office:    180 South Beckford Drive

             Henderson, NC  27536

Mail:      P.O. Box 1453

             Henderson, NC 27536

Franklin Vance Warren Opportunity, Inc., is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.

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